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Your dreams take many forms, and often they’re goals that you want to achieve. These goals can become life goals, which are often ways to reach success you’ve always dreamed of. It’s not always easy balancing life goals with other things you want to accomplish, but with enough effort and focus, you can make it happen.

Let’s dive into what life goals are, examples and how you can achieve them.


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What are life goals?

Life goals are all the things you want to accomplish in your life. Often your life goals are very meaningful to you and can make a lasting impact on your life. They can be large and challenging goals, or they can be smaller and more personal. It all depends on what you want to achieve.

Why are life goals important?

Setting life goals can help shape your future. By working hard to accomplish them, they can really help you to find the long-term happiness and success you’ve been seeking. Life goals are important because they can also help you:

  • Improve your focus
  • Master certain skills
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Gain a more positive mindset

100 Life Goals Ideas

Life goals come in all shapes and sizes. While your life goals will be personal to you, there are several common life goals many people share. To help you think of your own, here are 100 life goal ideas to consider: 

  1. Become an inspiration to others
  2. Master a difficult skill 
  3. Become a thought leader in your industry
  4. Get promoted to an executive role at your company 
  5. Learn about how to become a millionaire
  6. Go on a trip around the world
  7. Travel to your dream country 
  8. Double your personal income 
  9. Publish a novel 
  10. a person riding a motorcycle
  11. Take a motorcycle trip 
  12. Volunteer at a hospital when it’s safe to do so 
  13. Run in a marathon 
  14. Get six-pack abs 
  15. Achieve zero debt 
  16. Invest in the stock market 
  17. Drive or buy your dream car 
  18. See one of the Seven Wonders of the World 
  19. Plan for your retirement 
  20. Graduate from college 
  21. Learn to fluently speak a foreign language 
  22. a woman meditating
  23. Meditate daily 
  24. Donate to a charity annually
  25. Have a long-term relationship 
  26. Climb a mountain 
  27. Learn how to surf 
  28. Master a musical instrument 
  29. Learn how to rock climb 
  30. Live in a foreign country 
  31. Drink enough water everyday 
  32. Give up junk food for a year 
  33. a woman working on a painting
  34. Paint a picture 
  35. Craft something using pottery skills 
  36. Master ballroom dancing 
  37. Compose a song 
  38. Maintain your ideal body weight 
  39. Get paid doing what you’re passionate about 
  40. Find your life partner 
  41. Learn how to prepare healthy meals 
  42. Learn how to lift weights and build muscle 
  43. a woman talking on the phone
  44. Regularly call your parents
  45. Create multiple income sources 
  46. Keep a life journal
  47. Go deep sea fishing
  48. Buy your first house 
  49. Build your dream house 
  50. Go skydiving 
  51. Go hang gliding
  52. Ride in a hot air balloon 
  53. Snorkel in the ocean 
  54. Climb on a glacier 
  55. Go whitewater rafting 
  56. See your favorite football team play at their stadium when it’s safe to do so 
  57. Go to the Olympics 
  58. a man golfing
  59. Get a hole-in-one while golfing 
  60. Golf 18 holes under par 
  61. Assemble a collection of your favorite books or artwork 
  62. Run a six-minute mile 
  63. Declutter your home 
  64. Appear on a podcast 
  65. Read two books every month 
  66. Leave a financial inheritance 
  67. Trace your ancestry and visit their country of origin 
  68. Try a vegan diet for a month 
  69. people enjoying a concert
  70. See your favorite musician in concert as often as you can 
  71. Create a new family tradition 
  72. Maintain a healthy work-life balance 
  73. Start an online business 
  74. Celebrate your relationship anniversaries 
  75. Meet an athlete or celebrity you admire 
  76. Practice gratitude everyday 
  77. Start a small business 
  78. See the ball drop in person on New Year’s Eve when it’s safe to do so 
  79. a family with their dog
  80. Adopt and care for your dream pet 
  81. Give up drinking soda 
  82. Witness the Northern Lights 
  83. Watch a volcano erupt (from a safe distance!)
  84. Go to Mardi Gras 
  85. Develop a good credit score 
  86. Learn self-defense 
  87. See your doctor and dentist regularly 
  88. Always say “yes” to trying new, positive things 
  89. a woman doing yoga
  90. Learn yoga 
  91. Expand your vocabulary 
  92. Participate in a recreational sports league 
  93. Grow a thriving garden 
  94. Go on an electronics-free camping trip 
  95. Write a movie script or TV episode 
  96. Learn how to sing 
  97. Make your own website 
  98. Become a venture capitalist 
  99. Sponsor a child in need 
  100. a man and woman consulting a map
  101. Go on a cross-country road trip 
  102. Pay off your student loans sooner than later 
  103. Learn how to code 
  104. Improve your drawing skills 
  105. Give up TV for a week 
  106. Spend a full day at the spa 
  107. Go on a solo vacation
  108. Throw friends a surprise party 
  109. Learn how to knit or sew

This article is for informational purposes only and based on information that is widely available. We do not make any guarantees or promise any results based on this information.

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JSS component is missing React implementation. See the developer console for more information.